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So many people ask me, “Why do you travel alone?“. The answer is simple: I really love traveling alone!

Don’t get me wrong, I also love traveling with friends. But, honestly, I have a passion for going around solo. I think that traveling solo is a great learning experience, resulting in an introspective journey.

There are no competing desires that have to be taken into account to have a “good” traveling experience. That freedom is great, and the “one-on-one” time with yourself is priceless.

I’m sure you must have questioned yourself, “Will I learn something by traveling the world by myself?The answer is: Definitely.

There are so many life lessons you learn through travel. It teaches you things about the world but also about yourself – and these things will eventually impact your life.

Traveling is a two-way learning process. You absorb, you experience, you react, and you share. Travel teaches you about different cultures, foods, pushes you out of your comfort zone, and fosters personal growth.

And when you travel solo, this process intensifies.


Because you learn more about yourself than you could’ve ever imagined!

Traveling Solo in Prague

We normally don’t have time for ourselves, and we get lost performing our daily routine – work, study, commute, errands, you know how it goes.

We tend to ignore those little details of ourselves that really define us. So, when can we have time for ourselves? Well… Traveling is a good option (and one of life’s greatest teachers!).

Even more, if you travel solo, it’s the perfect time for deep introspection. Traveling alone can give us some of the answers we’ve been seeking and help us discover the meaning of all our unclarified thoughts. 

Look at it this way: That is your time to be YOUIt’s your world, your time, your adventure.

Going out on the road forces us to examine all aspects of ourselves, be it the good, the bad, and even the ugly.

Life on the road can give us so many challenges that test our innate patterns and reactions, our emotions, our likes and dislikes, and whatnot. You’re tested by new cultures, unforeseen problems, and loneliness. And you just have to deal. Technically, you find yourself in solitude.

These are 10 things I consider you learn about yourself (and other life lessons) when traveling solo.

1. You Get A Better Measure Of Your Patience

Traveling, either by yourself or with friends, gives you a better measure of your patience.

You learn to have patience with the things that are out of your control (like delays and weather), and you learn not to waste your patience with the things that don’t deserve it (like certain attitudes and intolerance.).

You might struggle to overcome language barriers in a foreign country or struggle to break through your introverted habits while making friends on the road. You might meet rude people who care little for tourists, or have an excursion cancelled because of a rain storm.

All these little obstacles that come across your path will teach you patience.

2. Prioritize What Really Matters

I’ve come to learn that we worry about so many things that don’t really matter and that have absolutely no effect on our lives. When traveling solo to a new country, things tend to matter when they have a direct effect on you and when you can have certain control over them.

Before, I used to worry about many things for no reason. Now I’ve come to think that “If it doesn’t matter, I don’t care.

One way to figure out your priorities is to ask yourself, “Will it matter in 5 minutes, 5 days, 5 months, or 5 years?” Depending on your answer, you’ll know how important it is (or not!).

Norbert in Perito Moreno

3. Build Your Confidence

Your confidence will grow as you see how things that depend on you become accomplished.

It’s extremely satisfying to see all that you have accomplished so far – be it traveling to “X” amount of countries, doing a cross-country hike, or surfing at the best beaches in the world –whatever turns you on.

This confidence, in turn, teaches you how to present yourself and how to interact with others –even if you’re shy, like me. Confidence has helped me make friends on the road and just interact confidently with fellow travelers, many of whom are still good friends of mine.

4. View Your Material Possessions Differently

There is no better way to dematerialize your life than going backpacking. You learn how to live without so many things you once thought were impossible to live without.

Backpacking “forces” you to go with the least amount possible (unless you enjoy constant back pain), especially when you travel solo, since YOU carry everything you NEED instead of what you WANT.

Leaving behind the things you once thought important to you and taking only the essentials may push you beyond your comfort zone, but you’ll realize what’s really important to you.

5. Greater Tolerance For Things Being Different

Traveling exposes you to different cultures and mentalities. When traveling alone, you get even greater exposure since you don’t enclose your social self with your group of friends.

You get to talk more freely with locals, have deeper conversations, and even appreciate better many different perspectives.

You might only know a few phrases of the local language, but still communicate with the local communities in an engaging way – we are all human, after all.

To experience a different culture openly is to understand it and tolerate it, even if you don’t agree with its beliefs.

6. Voice Your Likes and Dislikes

Traveling alone gives you the opportunity to understand your own “real” likes and dislikes. There is no outside influence, no peer pressure, and no societal expectations. It’s just you in your most natural form.

Once you know what you like and dislike, you get a greater sense of self.

At Morro Dois Irmaos, Rio De Janeiro

7. Greater Independence

You might make new friends as you travel, but you are still responsible for yourself. Literally, everything you do, see, and say depends on YOU.

But at the same time, your independence gives you greater flexibility. Want to go to a specific museum? By all means, GO! Want to stay sleeping? Do it too.

You are the master of your time, and you do with it whatever you want. You don’t require anything other than yourself for your own happiness.

8. Teaches You To Be More Responsible

This one goes hand-in-hand with independence.

When you decide to travel by yourself, you already know that you’re responsible enough to take care of yourself (I hope).

You have taken your life into your own hands, and now you get to mold it as you desire.

No one will be looking out for you on your travels. You need to set your own itineraries, wake up on time, catch buses and flights before they depart, and feed yourself without pigging out on junk food every day!

9. Grasp Your Future Dreams

Now, what you dream of or what you desire for yourself is not encased in the norms of conventional daily life. You are more open-minded, more willing to take risks, and more seduced by the adventure of exploring the unknown of a new destination.

10. Love And Compassion

This could be one of the most important things you get to learn about yourself when traveling solo. You travel for yourself, to re-discover yourself, to experiment with your life, to explore what’s in you.

Whether conscious or not, traveling alone serves as a catalyst for the love for oneself – thanks to the constant ease of introspection.

And as they say, if you learn to love yourself, you’ll learn to love and have compassion for your neighbors, fellow friends, and even everyday strangers.

The human interaction you have on your journey, the interaction with the local culture, and immersing yourself in the natural beauty of different countries – all these things will shape you to become a much better human, having love for yourself and others.

Traveling Solo at Krakow

Final Thoughts On Life Lessons Learned From Traveling Solo

There are many more ways traveling solo can have an impact on you. But just because you traveled solo doesn’t mean you will “transform” yourself into a whole new person. Some do, but most don’t.

It all depends on how open and receptive you are while traveling and how you decide to interact with your changing environment.

Change doesn’t come instantly; it is slow and progressive. It’s a long “marinating” process that takes time to develop its true “flavors.”

Let’s say that traveling “plants the seed.” At first, you won’t notice anything different. Still, eventually, you will start seeing things differently, will desire things in ways you didn’t expect, will change certain priorities, and without knowing, you are a different person. 

That change is a whole process, a personal learning process – a journey.

As for me, after traveling to so many different places, I have noticed some changes in the way I am and the way I interact with people, but I know there are many other changes still to come.

Have you learned anything about yourself while traveling solo? Share it in the comments!

Adventure Awaits


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  1. Terrific article, Norbert! These are all great aspects of traveling alone, and reason enough to do so, I think. I absolutely agree that solo travel is a tremendous growth experience. It winnows life down to the essentials, what’s really important (to YOU). So many people constantly surround themselves with others to the point where they don’t even know what they think or believe about anything, without it being filtered through the opinions of others.

  2. Thank you so much, Gray! You’re right on those points. Every now and then it’s good to have some time of our own to really see and understand what makes us “US”. I usually find that time when traveling solo. That’s why I love it so much. I think it lets you have a better perspective on things and you react more consciously to your surroundings, no peer pressures, no second guessing others’ opinions.

  3. Great post. Im traveling solo for a year and its really pushed my boundaries for the better. When theres no one there who knows you to define you, who are you? I find out a little bit more about myself every day.

  4. Thanks Ayngelina! Exactly, you don’t get defined by others. You get defined by your own daily personal experiences. I’m glad traveling solo is working for you too! 😀

    1. That’s fantastic. Much like this ted talk about home:

      We are not defined where we come from, but where we are and where we are going. Been on a week long solo trip thus far. I wonder if that is long enough, how long do you recommend solo traveling to “marinate” long enough for the true “flavors” to come out? I.e. talking about change, and learning about yourself. I know it is a never ending process and perhaps there is no ideal, but what is your experience?

      1. How long do I recommend solo traveling? Well, it really varies with each person. Some people can take it for a week, other for years. It all comes to how you travel, how sociable you are, and how you spend you time when you’re on your own. For sure you’ll have many experience that will make you see life in a different way, but how soon or late will they come… that’s all up to you.

        For me, they haven’t come in a single “aha!” moment. They’ve all been coming in small bits that in the end will make the whole experience puzzle, which still to this day is unfinished.

  5. Just found this post, great points Norbert. I like your style. What do you think about reversing, falling back into old patterns of comfort after a long break in travel?

    Back in the US, I still tend to revert back to the person I was before traveling. Of course, there’s plenty I have learned, but I seem to like the person I was while on the road.

    I’m just post-grad, and (kind of expected) I seem to be falling back into old habits and not challenging myself. I understand that I just have to get up and move!

    1. Thanks Wailana!
      I think it’s very very easy to fall back into old patterns and habits. I do it too. It’s just part of our nature and we should not expect to suddenly change the way we are because we “experienced the road”. But, I believe that trip after trip you will see certain things in your persona that will slowly be modified, hopefully for the better.
      I too “like better” the person I am on the road. I’m not sure if it’s because of the more outgoing character I seem to have or the fact that I feel challenged doing new things, but definitely that’s my “better me”.
      Now that I think about it, I will have to start challenging myself more even when I’m not traveling

  6. I love this post, I think it’s also when I was traveling solo that I was able to make more connection with other people. I tend to mingle more and rely on them for help.

    1. So true, we tend to be more outspoken and more social when we travel solo, since we feel the need to make the effort in order to not spend every single moment of our trip by ourselves.

  7. I have always wanted to see the world and I am thinking about traveling alone, but I have qualms. You see I don’t want my mom to worry and plus I am shy…so I don’t have many friends. The ones I do have…say they don’t have the money. I have always wanted to see different places and go off the resort…do you think its safe? Plus I am a woman, do you think that could put me a danger…make me an easy target?? Or…do you think because of this I should get a group of friend together to travel?

    1. Hi A. –
      First it is great that you have the inspiration to go out and travel the world. Like you, I’m kind of shy and many of my friends don’t have the money either to go traveling. I truly believe that if you want to do something, you don’t let anything stand in your way that will prevent you to accomplish it. Hence, some of the reasons why I travel solo. Many people say that traveling as a solo female is a bit dangerous. I don’t necessarily believe that. Of course, some safety common sense has to be put in practice, but it’s just as fun and safe as if you were a solo male traveler. Going out of the resorts will not put you in danger or any sort, in fact, I believe it’s good to do so because you experience more of the country in its true form, not the “bubble” resorts create to keep guests in.

      In my opinion, if you want to travel, don’t be afraid to travel solo. I know of many solo female travelers and they are ALL having the time of their life! Go forward and travel the world!! 🙂

  8. Hi Norbert, What a great in depth post you have written, It is certainly character building traveling as you have, when you have to rely solely on yourself, and nobody else.

    1. Thanks Travelyn! I agree, traveling solo help you build a lot of character and I believe it makes you more savvy with the world. Glad to have you around!

  9. I totally agree when I travel solo I tend to talk to a lot more people than I would do with a larger group, great stuff 😀

    1. That’s true! When traveling solo we allow ourselves to explore a bit more instead of sheltering ourselves with our group of friends.

      1. During my 1 week solo travel, I also enjoyed the exploration and adventure. Being back home I question myself what changed, it’s only the surrounding that changed, I’m still the same person which was exploring on my vacation. Any idea how to adopt this mentality back home. I.e. explore more, take more risks, etc. it just seems strange that our surroundings would have so much influenence over us? Seemed more fun to be on vacation, but vacation is not permenant, would like more of that feeling when home. 🙂

        1. When back home, I think the most important thing is to not just fall back on the same ideals you had before. Try to apply those things you learned about/changed into you life post-solo travel. Do keep exploring around home, get out of your comfort zone, and try to look at your surrounding with fresh eyes to try to understand them better or in a different way.

  10. Hello Norbert,

    Thanks for sharing this rich experiences, and yes I agree with what you said and mainly about the answers you get for your questions when you travel… that’s why im planning to travel more often now and sure im planning to travel solo for at least one time in my life.. good luck!

    1. Hi Sandra! Sorry for the late reply, but I’m happy that you have the goal of trailing solo at least once in your life. I think you should do it, not just for the sake of ticking the “solo travel checkbox”, but to take some time for yourself in a foreign place. This could be a very eye opening experience for you and amazing things could happen. Good luck to you too! 😉

  11. A beautiful article. Travelling alone to find or discover yourself is not a cliche. it is a means, and different people will get different results.
    There is truth to everything you say. That’s why I love travel.

    1. Thanks, Zaid! Yes, traveling to discover yourself is not a cliche… it’s actually a way to grow as a person while discovering the world too.

  12. Hi! I’ve read your article and it really amazes me. btw, how long have you been on solo traveling and at what age you start to plan on solo traveling? thanks

  13. When I was in USA, I solo travelled to San Francisco and that was really great. I decide what I do, where I go, and many other things in my own terms. I learned that when you do your passion, you’ll really brave it all. And success will always follow.